Chicago bulls gay pride shirt

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Through the activations and tributes across the club's two home matches in June, the Orlando City Foundation will be auctioning a number of items to raise money for local organizations and events.Each team’s captain for the match will wear a rainbow armband, with both the Pride’s Ad Astra and City’s Thick N Thin kit featuring rainbow numbers In support of these initiatives, both teams will wear specialty matchday items.Orlando Pride hosts NJ/NY Gotham FC at Exploria Stadium on Sunday, June 20, for the team’s Mission Rainbow match, while Orlando City will host the San Jose Earthquakes on Tuesday, June 22, for Pride in Our City.The club's two June matches and surrounding activities will honor and pay tribute to the victims and survivors of the Jtragedy, and also aim to celebrate Pride Month.Ahead of the five-year anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shooting, Orlando City SC and the NWSL's Orlando Pride announced the Pride in Our City and Mission Rainbow initiatives.

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